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Résumé Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. How much will a resume cost?
A. It all depends on how much time is involved in writing or editing the current resume or completely writing a new resume. Time is money and the more you can do to prepare for my help, the less expensive it will be. Typically, a new resume will take around one-and-a-half to four hours to complete (rates).

Q. What do you need to create a resume and how can I help prepare things?
A. The basic information is contained at the following PDF file. (Click Here)

Q. Will you also write or help write a cover letter?
A. Of course.

Q. Can I have the file after we’re finished.
A. Yes.

Q. What about future updates or edits?
A. Most updates or edits should only take a minimum of time (rates).

Q. Can I pay by credit card?
A. I can accept most credit cards via PayPal.

Q. I have more questions.
A. Let me know what they are. (Click Here)

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Last modified: 09/01/21